Supply Chain Control Towers

Magic Quadrant for Multi enterprise Supply Chain Business Networks
Multienterprise supply chain business networks support a community of trading partners that need to coordinate and execute on business processes that extend across multiple enterprises. Overview of this MESCBN marketplace. Also publication on business context available.

May 2021

Supply chain orchestration - A strategy for end-to-end excellence
Description of supply chain orchestration to strategically align resources and processes to ensure accurate demand and supply
planning, create realistic and feasible plans and close the gap between planning and execution.

November 2024

Why Digital Twin
enabled Control Towers
are the game changer for
Supply Chain Leaders
Organizations that can connect and orchestrate the entire
ecosystem from suppliers to customers to build a digital
twin of the organization (DTO) to create advanced solutions
such as Control Towers will outpace and accelerate
their top and bottom-line growth compared to others

Tada Now
February 2022